It wasn’t that long ago I was having lunch with my friend, mentor, colleague and fellow motorsport tragic Kylie King where we were discussing the most recent Wodonga council elections. Kylie’s morning radio show co-host, Kev Poulton, had just been elected to the Wodonga City Council. I remarked how I didn’t think I could ever run for public office because I don’t like the idea of “playing politics”.
What we see on TV or read in the news about how some politicians carry on and conduct business is not how I’d ever want to have to operate to do my job. Kylie replied saying that’s exactly why someone like me should put their hand up to run for office. It’s often those people who are not politicians, who don’t want to play games or disagree with someone just because they represent an opposing party, who can affect the most change. I agreed with what she said and felt a bit of sadness that there are people out there who are put off from council or state, or even federal elections because of similar concerns to mine.
I put the thought away in the back of my mind, wondering how I’d ever get the opportunity. Whether that lunchtime conversation was just a casual chat between friends or foreshadowing something yet to come, I’ll probably never know. What I do know is that day a small seed was planted, a seed that has led me to join Kylie to run for AlburyCity Council in the upcoming 2021 election.
It was a Sunday morning when Kylie called. She told me she was putting together a ticket of people who she felt would bring diversity, fairness and new ways of thinking to our city. I don’t really remember much of the conversation now, except for feeling extremely excited, flattered, and humbled. I didn’t give my answer straight away. It was a big decision and I needed to involve my family and close friends to get their support and guidance.
This offer came at a time where I was searching for a new direction. I knew I wanted to be more involved with our community and I wanted to be in a position to help make a difference. My family and I moved to Albury in 2016 for his job and it immediately became home. We love everything about living here and we couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
I’m excited to dedicate my time to the community that has given my family so much – our first home, jobs we love, great friends and opportunities we never would have thought of. Team Kylie will be a voice for every Albury citizen, representing diverse views and bringing new perspectives.